Basic Object Analysis

AuthorIMSI/SoftDev [Prev] [Next] by Author
CategoryGraphic - Information [Prev] [Next] by Category
Type (Source?)Macro (VBA)
StatusTo be reviewed



This example shows how to analyze geometry of various objects in a TurboCAD drawing.

The code in this macro sets a reference to the active TurboCAD drawing, then creates and displays two objects: a circle and an ellipse. The macro then waits for a user mouse click to determine the type of object the user clicked on. The macro will then calculate the object's area, display the object type and area and then exit. If the click occurs in a blank area (not on one of the two objects), the procedure exits displaying a warning message.

This macro uses the following objects: Drawing, Graphic, Graphics, PickResult and View.

Build Instructions

Download and unzip the archive. Add a new project named "BasicAnalysis" to any TurboCAD drawing, and attach the BasicAnalysis.tcm file. Run the BasicGeometryAnalysis macro. Click on one of the objects to have the macro display the object type and area.

This macro should be available in your 'Macros' folder


Download: .../IMSI/VBA/ (8KB)
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URL of this page: <A href ='' target = '_blank'>TCDRC - Page 00148</A>