Convert Contour from Excel

AuthorIMSI/SoftDev [Prev] [Next] by Author
CategoryImport/Export Data [Prev] [Next] by Category
Type (Source?)Macro (VBA)
StatusTo be reviewed



This example has two macros: ConvertContours and ImportContours.

ConvertContours uses data that is part of the USGS's "Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse" model project. Our sample file emer_hypso.dlg contains hypsography (contour) data for Emerald Bay 7.5' series. This macro will convert from .dlg to .xls.

ImportContours opens the .xls file created with ConvertContours and creates a TurboCAD drawing from the contour data.

Build Instructions

Download and unzip the archive. Add the project ImportContour.tcm to any TurboCAD drawing. Use the VBA Editor to setup the directory paths to the data files before running the macro.

This macro should be available in your 'Macros' folder


Download: .../IMSI/VBA/ (1MB)
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