BCiTool_ML - Magic Leader for TurboCAD


Summary of Functions

These tools are all variations on a theme of creating normal TC Leaders quickly, automatically, and with a minimum of user input.

  ML Sequential Number Tool

Creates Sequentially Numbered Leaders. In use you simply click the tool and start drawing Leaders. They will be sequentially numbered for you. (Screenshot)

 ML PickList Tool

Creates Leaders with the text chosen from a PickList. In use, it is very similar to the Sequential Number tool, except a dialog pops up for you to choose boilerplate text from a list. (Screenshot)

 ML Object Tool

Creates Leaders with the text based on the properties of a selected Object. In use, it is slightly different to the other tools because it has two stages - selecting, then drawing. (Screenshot)

 ML Renumber Tool (TC V9 only)

With this tool you can renumber a selected group of leaders, filling gaps or changing formats as desired. (Screenshot)

 ML Options

Set options for the first three tools. (Screenshot)



Requires ...


Download 15 day Trialware Package (includes docs)

Download BCiTool_ML.zip (133 Kb, lastest version 1.0a, 23-June03)


Purchasing Options

The trialware download will de-activate after 15 days, after which you must Register to continue using it. The price to register is US$25.00, and it can be done via the following methods.

Payment Option 1. PayPal is a division of eBay

If you haven't used Paypal before you have to become a member (takes about 5 min), after that it's very smooth. It also it has the advantage that once you are a member you can use it with a large number of vendors (while only divulging your credit card details once to PayPal).

1a.  Fill in the your preferred User ID below

User ID
(usually as displayed in Magic Leader Registration dialog, minimum 8 characters)

1b. Then click the PayPal Buy Now button below. You will be transferred to PayPal's secure payment site.

1c. After completing the payment, you will recieve an email from PayPal detailing the payment. BCiTool also recieves a matching email from PayPal, and when that comes through will email you the Registration Key to the same email address that you use for your PayPal login. This will usually happen within 24 hrs, but allow 48 hrs.

Email me if you have any troubles with this, or if your Key does not arrive within 48 hrs.

Payment Option 2. RegSoft is division of Digital River

SoftReg uses a regular online payment system, and also offers fax and phone ordering

2a. Click the RegSoft Buy Now button below.You will be taken to RegSoft's secure payment site. 

2b. After completing the payment, you will recieve two emails from RegSoft - the first confirming the order has been submitted, and a second a few minutes later confirming the payment has been authorised. BCiTool also recieves a matching email from Regsoft, and when that comes through will email you the Registration Key to the address that you set in the RegSoft form. This will usually happen within 24 hrs, but allow 48 hrs.

Email me if you have any troubles with this, or if your Key does not arrive within 48 hrs.

Thank you for trying and/or purchasing BCiTool Magic Leader.

David Bell

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