BCiTool_GM - General Macros for TurboCAD

Updated 9-Aug-2004

Summary of Functions

This a collection of Macros from various contributors that have been converted to TurboCAD tools for one-click convenience.

The Macros

Name Author Description
   Copy In Place Winston Mitchell If you make a selection and then click this tool, you can move or do whatever you want to do to the selection, leaving behind an unaltered copy. This reduces the steps required to make a copy of a selection in situ, something I find myself frequently doing.
David Bell, BCiTool This pair of tools helps you to select graphics in complex drawings, where this task is not always easy. It similar to the standard F6/F7 keys for cycling through graphics, but it only selects graphics nearby the cursor.
Contact me if you have a macro you would like to contribute. DB.



Requires ...

  • See Manual for supported version of TurboCAD. Varies with actual Tool.
  • Windows 95 and later.


Download Freeware

Download BCiTool_GM_9-Aug-2004.zip (86 KB)

Manuals etc are inside the zip file. Please read them!

If you use it, please ....   Why?

Thank you. David Bell


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